Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Cigars, god, and the day aUDACIOUS met Timethius

Hey everyone, it's been a while.
You know that feeling you get when you get the urge to write something down? Well that feeling's older brother just gave me a wedgie and said to meet him at the flagpole at three o'clock.
I just got off the phone with my good friend Tim. Not excited yet? Well keep listening and I might just put a spark in you. See, Tim's been in love with this girl named Auite( another good friend of mine) for the better part of 5 years. We've talked time and time again (Mostly with cigars in hand) about what we want and what we wish God would see fit to grant us. For me, it was true love from a certain girl with a reconstructed jaw(wink wink) and a successful career in show business. Kinda cliche' and a bit selfish, sure, but they were wishes so it's allowed. Tim always had more of a concentrated wish. He wished that a certain girl( Autie, for those that can't take a hint) would see him as more than a friend. Tim cared about Autie deeply. So deep in fact that one time before a Sunday night bible study, we decided to fore go the cookies and scripture in the house and go smoke our cigars and chat instead. We lamented to each other about our wants and all that, while puffing our cheap stogies in the grass.
We've all had that friend who, although we want them to reach their desired goal, just doesn't seem to have what it takes to get there in this lifetime. Tim was different. Every time He mentioned Autie and how much he loved her, You (or at least I) could always see God giving him the one thing He deeply wanted. So you could imagine my joy for my buddy when I received a myspace message with the headline "The cigars worked". A few days after our tobacco escape on the lawn, Tim asked Autie to be his girlfriend, which she accepted. Awesome how God gives us things when we least expect it, isn't it?

Fast forward to the present.

I got a call on my my cell phone a few days ago. I was still asleep so I missed. it. I checked my miss call list to find that Tim had called me. I wondered what he might have wanted, so I check my messages. What I heard literally made me jump, not out, but on to my bed and scream the hem...

GO SON!!!! get the point.
The message said that Tim had proposed to Autie. Obviously she accepted, and it was all and all a good-... scratch that, a BLESSED thing. :) I was happy for my friends! Overjoyed in fact! This was something that anyone close to them could see forming and building and just waiting for the right time for God to say" Go get her kid." I was, and still am, abundantly glad that God saw fit for those two to meet and be together. Also, it brought the following thoughts into my head.

WE ALL HAVE, IN SOME FORM OR ANOTHER, A MESSED UP LIFE. Sorry, we live on this earth. This world is not perfect. Neither are we. So in turn neither are our lives. The upside is, if we trust in god (or whatever deity you choose, I just happen to choose the correct one.Wow, I can literally hear the typing of hate full e-mails!) He'll bless us! For Tim and Autie, it was finding that one person who they want to grow old and in love with. For me, it was the pure joy of seeing God at work and the happiness of two of my best friends. To me, that kind of happiness and joy is priceless and doesn't come to often, so bask in it while the baskin's good.
I was gonna write this big blog about My move to Santa Barbara, my going away party, and the starting of my career. However, when the time came, I just didn't feel too motivated to touch fingertip to key. I now realize that those keystrokes were reserved for another, more blessed and meaningful, blog situation.
YES. I am extremely grateful for the love and well wishes I received before I moved, and I love everyone who showed me that. I just think things like Tim and Autie are more worth the mention because they says o much more on the good things life can bring us if we stay faithful and patient. There will be a blog on all the afore mentioned ..."love showings", but for now, I 'm just going to sit in the good vibes that My best friends' are afloat in, and wish them nothing but the best a life together has to offer. I love you guys.
Well, it's three o'clock, and I have to meet a certain feelings older brother and make him pay for my calloused fingertips. Until next time, this is @-bizzlE saying: Never under estimate the power of God, patience, friends, and cheap $1.00 cigars! I'M OUT!


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